Planning Local Review Committee - Tuesday 13 August 2024, 11:30am - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Planning Local Review Committee
Tuesday, 13th August 2024 at 11:30am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
335 Sauchiehall Street (Ward 10) - 24/00014/LOCAL - Use of betting office (sui generis) as Adult Gaming Centre (sui generis) and external alterations - Section 42 application for non-compliance with condition 3 of planning permission 20/01876/FUL - Resume consideration.
Agenda item :
349 Albert Drive (Ward 6) - 24/00033/LOCAL - Erection of two storey extension to side of dwellinghouse and external alterations.
Agenda item :
Flat 2, 12 Royal Terrace (Ward 10) - 24/00035/LOCAL - Use of office (Class 1a) as flatted dwelling (Sui Generis) with external alterations including installation of replacement windows.
- 335 Sauchiehall Street (Ward 10) - 24/00014/LOCAL - Use of betting office (sui generis) as Adult Gaming Centre (sui generis) and external alterations, opens in new tab
- 349 Albert Drive (Ward 6) - 24/00033/LOCAL - Erection of two storey extension to side of dwellinghouse and external alterations. , opens in new tab
- Flat 2, 12 Royal Terrace (Ward 10) - 24/00035/LOCAL - Use of office (Class 1a) as flatted dwelling (Sui Generis) with external alterations including installation of replacement windows. , opens in new tab