Contracts and Property - Thursday 22 February 2024, 1:30pm - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Contracts and Property
Thursday, 22nd February 2024 at 1:30pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Franny Scally (SNP)
Agenda item :
Response to questions raised on 1st February 2024.
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Franny Scally (SNP)
Agenda item :
The provision of consultancy services for Govan City Network.
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Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Ruairi Kelly (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Ruairi Kelly (SNP)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Kevin Lalley (Labour)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Kevin Lalley (Labour)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Kevin Lalley (Labour)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Agenda item :
The supply and delivery of inflatable cushions.
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Agenda item :
Delegated contract awards.
Agenda item :
The supply and delivery of inflatable cushions.
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Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Philip Braat (Labour)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Philip Braat (Labour)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Philip Braat (Labour)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Philip Braat (Labour)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Philip Braat (Labour)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Philip Braat (Labour)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Ruairi Kelly (SNP)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Agenda item :
Delegated contract awards.
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Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Maureen Fitzpatrick (Head of Corporate Procurement)
Franny Scally (SNP)
Webcast Finished