Planning Local Review Committee - Tuesday 5 December 2023, 11:30am - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Planning Local Review Committee
Tuesday, 5th December 2023 at 11:30am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
201 Croftside Avenue (Ward 1) - 23/00052/LOCAL - Erection of dwellinghouse (Class 9) within garden of flatted dwelling, includes car parking, landscaping and associated works.
Agenda item :
134 Merrylee Road (Ward 1) - 23/00055/LOCAL - Erection of mixed use development, comprising convenience store (Class 1A) and 20 residential flatted dwellings (Sui generis) with rooftop terrace and photovoltaic panel installation, access, delivery bay, car parking, landscaping and associated works.
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