Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee - Wednesday 13 September 2023, 10:00am - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee
Wednesday, 13th September 2023 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 8
Agenda item :
Training - Presentation by Quinbrook.
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 8
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Officer 1
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Martha Wardrop (Greens)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Officer 1
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 1
Officer 8
Officer 2
Officer 8
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Officer 1
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 8
Officer 1
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 1
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Lana Reid McConnell (Greens)
Officer 1
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 8
Martin Booth (Executive Director of Finance)
Officer 8
Officer 12
Officer 8
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Annual Audit Report 2022/23.
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 6
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 6
Officer 6
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 6
Officer 12
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Annual Audited Accounts 2022/23.
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Actuarial Valuation and Funding Strategy.
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 10
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 12
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Martin Booth (Executive Director of Finance)
Officer 12
Martin Booth (Executive Director of Finance)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 7
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 10
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 7
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Strathclyde Pension Fund Sounding Board.
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Administration update.
Agenda item :
Finance update.
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Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Jill Pidgeon (Labour)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 8
Thomas Kerr (Conservative)
Officer 8
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Lana Reid McConnell (Greens)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Risk Register.
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Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 7
Paul Leinster (SNP)
Officer 7
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Business Plan 2023/24 - Update.
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Richard McIndoe (Director SPF)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Webcast Finished
- Annual Audit Report 2022/23., opens in new tab
- Annual Audited Accounts 2022/23., opens in new tab
- Actuarial Valuation and Funding Strategy, opens in new tab
- Strathclyde Pension Fund Sounding Board, opens in new tab
- Administration Update, opens in new tab
- Finance Update, opens in new tab
- Investment Update, opens in new tab
- Risk Register, opens in new tab
- Business Plan 2023/24 - Update, opens in new tab