City Administration Committee - Thursday 30 November 2023, 10:00am - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
City Administration Committee
Thursday, 30th November 2023 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Approach to public electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Glasgow.
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George Redmond (Labour)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Jon Molyneux (Greens)
Agenda item :
Asylum/Homelessness update.
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Martha Wardrop (Greens)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Thomas Kerr (Conservative)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Thomas Kerr (Conservative)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
George Redmond (Labour)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Soryia Siddique (Labour)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Allan Casey (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Allan Casey (SNP)
Susanne Millar (Chief Officer, GCHSCP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Ann Jenkins (Labour)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Allan Casey (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Martha Wardrop (Greens)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Allan Casey (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Allan Casey (SNP)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Thomas Kerr (Conservative)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Agenda item :
Approach to public electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Glasgow.
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Angus Millar (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Thomas Kerr (Conservative)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Officer 2
Angus Millar (SNP)
Officer 2
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Thomas Kerr (Conservative)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Jon Molyneux (Greens)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
George Redmond (Labour)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Martha Wardrop (Greens)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
Cycling and Urban Sports Strategy.
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Ricky Bell (SNP)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Ann Jenkins (Labour)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Martha Wardrop (Greens)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Ricky Bell (SNP)
Agenda item :
City Development Plan Scheme 2023.
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Agenda item :
Asylum/Homelessness update.
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Agenda item :
Scottish Recommended Allowances for Kinship and Fostering Services.
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Webcast Finished
- Approach to public electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Glasgow., opens in new tab
- Cycling and Urban Sports Strategy., opens in new tab
- City Development Plan Scheme 2023., opens in new tab
- Place Based Investment Programme - The Place Fund. , opens in new tab
- Place Based Investment Programme 2023/24 - The Place Fund., opens in new tab
- Scottish Recommended Allowances for Kinship and Fostering Services., opens in new tab
- Asylum/Homelessness Update., opens in new tab