Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday 24 January 2023, 9:30am - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Planning Applications Committee
Tuesday, 24th January 2023 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Application for planning permission - 32 Mansionhouse Road (Ward 7) - 22/00294/FUL - Erection of residential development (16 units) with car parking amenity space, landscaping and associated works.
Agenda item :
10 Bank Street, Flat 0/1 (Ward 11) - Application for planning permission - 22/02694/FUL - Erection of 2-storey extension and formation of dormer window to rear and formation of dormer window to front of flatted dwelling.
- Application for planning permission - 32 Mansionhouse Road (Ward 7) - 22/00294/FUL - Erection of residential development (16 units) with car parking amenity space, landscaping and associated works., opens in new tab
- 10 Bank Street, Flat 0/1 (Ward 11) - Application for planning permission -22/02694/FUL - Erection of 2-storey extension and formation of dormer window to rear and formation of dormer window to front of flatted dwelling. , opens in new tab
- 10 Bank Street, Flat 0/1 (Ward 11) - Application for listed building consent -22/02839/LBA - Internal and external alterations to listed buildingormation of dormer window to front of flatted dwelling. , opens in new tab