City Administration Committee - Thursday 18 May 2023, 10:00am - Timeline Tab - Glasgow City Council Webcasting

City Administration Committee
Thursday, 18th May 2023 at 10:00am 









Share this agenda point
  1. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  2. Clerk
Share this agenda point
  1. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  2. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  3. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  4. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  5. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  6. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  7. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  8. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  9. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  10. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  11. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  12. Officer 1
  13. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  14. Officer 1
  15. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  16. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  17. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  18. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  19. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  20. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  21. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  22. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  23. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  24. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  25. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  26. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  27. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  28. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  29. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  30. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  31. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  32. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  33. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  34. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  35. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  36. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  37. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  38. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  39. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  40. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  41. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  42. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  43. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  44. Officer 1
  45. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  46. Soryia Siddique (Labour)
  47. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  48. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  49. Officer 1
  50. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  51. Elaine McDougall (Labour)
  52. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  53. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  54. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  55. Elaine McDougall (Labour)
  56. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  57. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  58. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  59. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  60. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  61. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  62. Elaine McDougall (Labour)
  63. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  64. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  65. Anthony Carroll (Greens)
  66. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  67. Officer 1
  68. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  69. Anthony Carroll (Greens)
  70. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  71. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  72. Anthony Carroll (Greens)
  73. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  74. Officer 1
  75. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  76. Cecilia O'Lone (Labour)
  77. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  78. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  79. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  80. Officer 1
  81. Cecilia O'Lone (Labour)
  82. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  83. Frank McAveety (Labour)
  84. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  85. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  86. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  87. Officer 1
  88. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  89. Frank McAveety (Labour)
  90. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  91. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  92. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  93. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  94. Martha Wardrop (Greens)
  95. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  96. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  97. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  98. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  99. Martha Wardrop (Greens)
  100. Martha Wardrop (Greens)
  101. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  102. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  103. Martha Wardrop (Greens)
  104. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  105. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  106. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  107. Martha Wardrop (Greens)
  108. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  109. Martha Wardrop (Greens)
  110. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  111. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  112. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  113. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  114. George Redmond (Labour)
  115. Frank McAveety (Labour)
  116. George Redmond (Labour)
  117. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  118. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  119. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  120. George Redmond (Labour)
  121. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  122. George Redmond (Labour)
  123. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  124. Thomas Kerr (Conservative)
  125. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  126. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  127. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  128. George Gillespie (Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability)
  129. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  130. Thomas Kerr (Conservative)
  131. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  132. Jill Pidgeon (Labour)
  133. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  134. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  135. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  136. Officer 1
  137. Kenny McLean (SNP)
  138. Ricky Bell (SNP)
Share this agenda point
  1. Clerk
  2. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  3. Angus Millar (SNP)
  4. Dan Hutchison (Greens)
  5. Angus Millar (SNP)
  6. Dan Hutchison (Greens)
  7. Angus Millar (SNP)
  8. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  9. Officer 1
  10. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  11. Martha Wardrop (Greens)
  12. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  13. Martha Wardrop (Greens)
  14. Angus Millar (SNP)
  15. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  16. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  17. Angus Millar (SNP)
  18. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  19. Officer 1
  20. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  21. Jill Pidgeon (Labour)
  22. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  23. Angus Millar (SNP)
  24. Anthony Carroll (Greens)
  25. Angus Millar (SNP)
  26. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  27. Anthony Carroll (Greens)
  28. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  29. Angus Millar (SNP)
  30. Ricky Bell (SNP)
Share this agenda point
  1. Clerk
  2. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  3. Chris Cunningham (SNP)
  4. Ricky Bell (SNP)
  5. Webcast Finished