Education, Skills and Early Years CPC - Thursday 20 April 2023, 1:30pm - Timeline Tab - Glasgow City Council Webcasting

Education, Skills and Early Years CPC
Thursday, 20th April 2023 at 1:30pm 









Share this agenda point
  1. Graham Campbell (SNP)
Share this agenda point
  1. Officer 3
  2. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  3. Fiona Higgins (Labour)
  4. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  5. Officer 3
  6. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  7. Jill Brown (Labour)
  8. Officer 3
  9. Officer 4
  10. Bill Butler (Labour)
  11. Officer 4
  12. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  13. Jill Brown (Labour)
  14. Officer 3
  15. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  16. Sean Ferguson (SNP)
  17. Officer 3
  18. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  19. Fiona Higgins (Labour)
  20. Officer 4
  21. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  22. Officer 3
  23. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  24. Officer 3
  25. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  26. Officer 3
  27. Officer 4
  28. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  29. Officer 3
  30. Officer 4
  31. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  32. Officer 3
  33. Graham Campbell (SNP)
Share this agenda point
  1. Officer 1
  2. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  3. Catherine Vallis (Labour)
  4. Officer 1
  5. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  6. Catherine Vallis (Labour)
  7. Officer 1
  8. Catherine Vallis (Labour)
  9. Officer 1
  10. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  11. Catherine Vallis (Labour)
  12. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  13. Fiona Higgins (Labour)
  14. Officer 1
  15. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  16. Fiona Higgins (Labour)
  17. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  18. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  19. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  20. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  21. Fiona Higgins (Labour)
  22. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  23. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  24. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  25. Imram Alam (Labour)
  26. Officer 1
  27. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  28. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  29. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  30. Imram Alam (Labour)
  31. Officer 1
  32. Imram Alam (Labour)
  33. Officer 1
  34. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  35. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  36. Bill Butler (Labour)
  37. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  38. Bill Butler (Labour)
  39. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  40. Bill Butler (Labour)
  41. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  42. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  43. Officer 1
  44. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  45. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  46. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  47. Bill Butler (Labour)
  48. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  49. Bill Butler (Labour)
  50. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  51. Bill Butler (Labour)
  52. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  53. Jill Brown (Labour)
  54. Officer 1
  55. Jill Brown (Labour)
  56. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  57. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  58. Officer 1
  59. Officer 1
  60. Jill Brown (Labour)
  61. Officer 1
  62. Jill Brown (Labour)
  63. Officer 1
  64. Jill Brown (Labour)
  65. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  66. Jill Brown (Labour)
  67. Douglas Hutchison (Executive Director of Education Services)
  68. Jill Brown (Labour)
  69. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  70. Fiona Higgins (Labour)
  71. Officer 1
  72. Graham Campbell (SNP)
  73. Webcast Finished