Contracts and Property Committee - Thursday 17 March 2022, 1:30pm - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Contracts and Property Committee
Thursday, 17th March 2022 at 1:30pm
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Item 1 - Lease of Lillybank Car Park, Lillybank Gardens (Ward 21).
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Agenda item :
Item 2 - Proposed off-market disposal of the former Haghill Primary School and Schoolhouse, Marwick Street (Ward 22).
Agenda item :
Item 3 - Proposed lease of land at 425 Polmadie Road (Ward 8).
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Agenda item :
Item 4 - Proposed letting of Broomhill and Partick West Nursery at 65 Randolph Road (Ward 12).
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Agenda item :
Item 5 - Authority to enter into negotiations for an off-market letting of Langside Halls, 1 Langside Avenue (Ward 8).
Agenda item :
Item 6 - Authority to enter into negotiations for an off-market letting of Glasgow Club Drumoyne, 337 Langlands Road (Ward 5).
Agenda item :
Item 7 - Authority to enter into negotiations for an off-market letting of Woodside Halls, 36 Glenfarg Street (Ward 11).
Agenda item :
Item 8 - Lease of part of Cathkin Park, 58-62 Florida Avenue (Ward 7).
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Agenda item :
Item 9 - Authority to enter into negotiations for an off-market letting of Molendinar Community Centre, 1210 Royston Road (Ward 21).
Agenda item :
Item 10 - Laurieston TRA - Amendment to Development Agreement (Ward 8).
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Agenda item :
Item 11 - The supply and delivery of vehicle spare parts.
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Agenda item :
Item 12 - The provision of preventative planned maintenance and repairs for heavy vehicles over 7.5 tonnes.
Agenda item :
Item 13 - The provision of Consultancy Services for the Glasgow Bus Partnership.
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Agenda item :
Item 14 - The provision of payment acceptance services.
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Agenda item :
Item 15 - A Framework Agreement for the supply and delivery of coated and uncoated roadstone and recycling of road arisings.
Agenda item :
Item 16 - Planned Contracts.
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- Item 1 - Lease of Lillybank Car Park, Lillybank Gardens (Ward 21)., opens in new tab
- Item 2 - Proposed off-market disposal of the former Haghill Primary School and Schoolhouse, Marwick Street (Ward 22)., opens in new tab
- Item 3 - Proposed lease of land at 425 Polmadie Road (Ward 8)., opens in new tab
- Item 4 - Proposed letting of Broomhill and Partick West Nursery at 65 Randolph Road (Ward 12)., opens in new tab
- Item 5 - Authority to enter into negotiations for an off-market letting of Langside Halls, 1 Langside Avenue (Ward 8)., opens in new tab
- Item 6 - Authority to enter into negotiations for an off-market letting of Glasgow Club Drumoyne, 337 Langlands Road (Ward 5)., opens in new tab
- Item 7 - Authority to enter into negotiations for an off-market letting of Woodside Halls, 36 Glenfarg Street (Ward 11)., opens in new tab
- Item 8 - Lease of part of Cathkin Park, 58-62 Florida Avenue (Ward 7)., opens in new tab
- Item 9 - Authority to enter into negotiations for an off-market letting of Molendinar Community Centre, 1210 Royston Road (Ward 21)., opens in new tab
- Item 10 - Laurieston TRA - Amendment to Development Agreement (Ward 8)., opens in new tab
- Item 11 - The supply and delivery of vehicle spare parts., opens in new tab
- Item 12 - The provision of preventative planned maintenance and repairs for heavy vehicles over 7.5 tonnes., opens in new tab
- Item 13 - The provision of Consultancy Services for the Glasgow Bus Partnership., opens in new tab
- Item 14 - The provision of payment acceptance services., opens in new tab
- Item 15 - A Framework Agreement for the supply and delivery of coated and uncoated roadstone and recycling of road arisings., opens in new tab
- Item 16 - Planned Contracts., opens in new tab