Planning Local Review Committee - Tuesday 25 May 2021, 11:30am - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Planning Local Review Committee
Tuesday, 25th May 2021 at 11:30am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Item 1 - 1094 Argyle Street (Ward 10 - 21/00006/LOCAL - Installation of automatic prescription dispenser.
Agenda item :
Item 2 - 1660 Great Western Road (Ward 14) - 21/00022/LOCAL - Change of use from existing office building (Class 4) to flatted residential development (Sui Generis) and associated works
- Item 1 - 1094 Argyle Street (Ward 10 - 21/00006/LOCAL - Installation of automatic prescription dispenser., opens in new tab
- Item 2 - 1660 Great Western Road (Ward 14) - 21/00022/LOCAL - Change of use from existing office building (Class 4) to flatted residential development (Sui Generis) and associated works, opens in new tab