Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday 23 March 2021, 11:00am - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Planning Applications Committee
Tuesday, 23rd March 2021 at 11:00am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Application for Full Planning Permission - 240 Crow Road (Ward 12) - 20/00804/FUL - Use of shop (Class 1) as cafe (Class 3) including frontage alterations: Application under section 42 with variation of condition 3 of consent 16/03079/DC to extend hours of opening.
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Agenda item :
2. Application for Full Planning Permission - 345 Nitshill Road (Ward 3) - 20/02468/FUL - Use of vacant post office (Class 1) as hot food takeaway (Sui generis), includes frontage alterations and installation of flue extract to rear.
Agenda item :
3. Application for matters specificed in conditions - Site Opposite 63 Gardenside Grove (Ward 19) - 19/03288/MSC - Erection of 2 detached dwellinghouses and associated landscaping.
Agenda item :
4. Application for Full Planning Permission - 63 St Andrews Drive (Ward 6) - 20/02950/FUL - Erection of extension to rear and external alterations to dwellinghouse.
Agenda item :
5. Site Opposite 50-98 Kilmuir Crescent (Ward 2) - 20/00626/FUL - Erection of residential development (30 units) with associated works - Supplementary report in respect of a requested amendment to condition number 1 of the decision notice.
- Application for Full Planning Permission - 240 Crow Road (Ward 12) , opens in new tab
- 2. Application for Full Planning Permission - 345 Nitshill Road (Ward 3) - 20/02468/FUL - Use of vacant post office (Class 1) as hot food takeaway (Sui generis), includes frontage alterations and installation of flue extract to rear. , opens in new tab
- 3. Application for matters specificed in conditions - Site Opposite 63 Gardenside Grove (Ward 19) - 19/03288/MSC - Erection of 2 detached dwellinghouses and associated landscaping. , opens in new tab
- 4. Application for Full Planning Permission - 63 St Andrews Drive (Ward 6) - 20/02950/FUL - Erection of extension to rear and external alterations to dwellinghouse. , opens in new tab
- 5. Site Opposite 50-98 Kilmuir Crescent (Ward 2) - 20/00626/FUL - Erection of residential development (30 units) with associated works - Supplementary report in respect of a requested amendment to condition number 1 of the decision notice. , opens in new tab