Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday 1 December 2020, 11:00am - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Planning Applications Committee
Tuesday, 1st December 2020 at 11:00am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Item 1 - Site to the South of 92 Victoria Crescent Road (Ward 23) - 19/02976/FUL - Use of former toilet block and shelter as dwellinghouse, associated alterations, car parking and landscaping.
Agenda item :
Item 2 - Site opposite 50-98 Kilmuir Crescent (Ward 2) - 20/00626/FUL - Erection of residential development (30 units) with associated works.
Agenda item :
Item 3 - Corruna Bowling Club, 35A St Vincent Crescent (Ward 10) - 20/01145/FUL - Demolition of existing bowling club building and green and erection of residential development (36 units), new public gardens and associated works.
Agenda item :
Item 4 - Site to the west of 120 Govan Road (Ward 5) - 19/03487/FUL - Erection of hotel with associated uses (Sui Generis), access, car parking and landscaping - Supplemental report outlining list of standard conditions for granting planning permission.
- Item 1 - Site to the South of 92 Victoria Crescent Road (Ward 23) - 19/02976/FUL - Use of former toilet block and shelter as dwellinghouse, associated alterations, car parking and landscaping, opens in new tab
- Item 2 - Site opposite 50-98 Kilmuir Crescent (Ward 2) - 20/00626/FUL - Erection of residential development (30 units) with associated works., opens in new tab
- Item 3 - Corruna Bowling Club, 35A St Vincent Crescent (Ward 10) - 20/01145/FUL - Demolition of existing bowling club building and green and erection of residential development (36 units), new public gardens and associated works, opens in new tab
- Item 4 - Site to the west of 120 Govan Road (Ward 5) - 19/03487/FUL - Erection of hotel with associated uses (Sui Generis), access, car parking and landscaping - Supplemental report outlining list of standard conditions for granting planning permission, opens in new tab