Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction City Policy Committee - Tuesday 17 March 2020, 1:30pm - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction City Policy Committee
Tuesday, 17th March 2020 at 1:30pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Angus Millar (SNP)
Agenda item :
Update on City-wide Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions
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Officer 6
Angus Millar (SNP)
Officer 3
Agenda item :
Air Quality Management Areas
Agenda item :
Bus Partnership
Agenda item :
Connectivity Commission
Agenda item :
Domestic Bin Collections
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Officer 7
Officer 7
Angus Millar (SNP)
Kyle Thornton (Con)
Officer 7
Kyle Thornton (Con)
Officer 7
Angus Millar (SNP)
Martha Wardrop (Green)
Officer 7
Angus Millar (SNP)
Kyle Thornton (Con)
Officer 7
Angus Millar (SNP)
Agenda item :
Participatory Budgeting for Open Space
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Officer 4
Angus Millar (SNP)
John Kane (Lab)
Angus Millar (SNP)
Kyle Thornton (Con)
Officer 4
Angus Millar (SNP)
Agenda item :
Fleet Strategy Investment Scope and Requirements
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Officer 2
Angus Millar (SNP)
Webcast Finished
- Update on City-wide Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions, opens in new tab
- Air Quality Management Areas, opens in new tab
- Bus Partnership, opens in new tab
- Connectivity Commission, opens in new tab
- Domestic Bin Collections, opens in new tab
- Participatory Budgeting for Open Space, opens in new tab
- Fleet Strategy Investment Scope and Requirements, opens in new tab