Home - Glasgow City Council Webcasting
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Glasgow City Council
Planning Local Review Committee
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Welcome to Glasgow City Council's web streaming portal
At Glasgow City Council we are committed to making the Council as open and as transparent as possible. This webcasting website allows you to watch live Council and committee meetings, as well as an archive of previous meetings. Please note that we been filming Council meetings since 2014. Committee meetings have been available from mid-September 2018.
Meetings will be archived within 2 working days after they are first broadcast, and are available for 5 years.
Webcast update
Due to the recent introduction of hybrid committee meetings the majority of the Council’s committee meetings, with the exception of the Planning Applications Committee and the Planning Local Review Committee, are now taking place as hybrid meetings and these are being webcast live.
For logistical reasons, the Planning Applications Committee and the Planning Local Review Committee currently take place using Microsoft Teams and are not capable of being live streamed at present (unless the meeting is a committee hearing, in which case, meetings are held in person). We are in the process of expanding our hybrid meeting facilities, which will hopefully allow us to broadcast those meetings live in the future.
If you wish to remotely attend either of the above two committees as an observer you can send a request to either cathy.birrell@glasgow.gov.uk or donna.brand@glasgow.gov.uk and a Microsoft Teams invite will be forwarded to you.
How to use this site
Webcasts are displayed on the left of this page. To view the webcast, click on the title and the clip will begin playing automatically. You can access previous webcasts by clicking on the webcast library link above or using the search box.
To view the requirements for watching webcasts, or if you are having trouble using the site, read our help section
Supporting information
Agendas, reports and other associated documents for each meeting are available. You can view this information, and find out exactly how the Council works, on our website.
Sharing features
Click the Share button at the top of a webcast player page to share the short link via social media sites or email. For a live webcast, these share features are available from the player page on the day of the webcast. For an archived webcast, you can also choose to share a particular agenda item.
Need help?
You can find out more about webcasting, and how it works, in our help section. This section also contains frequently asked questions if you are having trouble viewing our webcasts.
You can also submit comments and feedback on the webcasts themselves using the feedback form provided at the bottom of each webcast page.
All webcast footage is the copyright of Glasgow City Council. Webcasts for which we have provided the embed code can be hosted in full on another website. However, you are not permitted to download footage nor upload it to another website without the written permission of Glasgow City Council. Please be aware that video sharing websites require you to have the permission of the copyright owner in order to upload videos to their site.